Part 2 More on my struggle to maintain my right to free speech in Germany, and hold on to my intellectual property rights to,, and

Part 1 Opening page of critique of the BStU, ... and on my legal troubles with the Domain name "Gauck".    

Part 2 More on  legal troubles with the the Gauck Officials...    

Part 3 ... still more on my legal troubles with
the Gauck Officials. 

Part 4 "Genau so schlimm wie die Nazis...?" Nicht mit mir!!! Some pictures of what East Germany was not! 

I'd like to know what YOU think. Here's a Delphi Forum I've set up to facilitate a public discussion of the subject of the Gauck-Officials and/or of their attempt to silence me by trying to rob me of my domain names,,, and 

More people have committed suicide after being humiliated, disgraced and denied job
opportunities, due to the defaming tactics of the "Gauck Officials", than were ever killed trying to
leave East Germany along the Berlin Wall.

And here are two discussions, one in the PDS Forum and the other in the Zeit Forum:

  Allgemeine Tagesthemen
  Hilfe! Die Gauck Behörde erpresst mich!

  domain-namen-klau /der sachliche Teil 

In the letter below Mr. Gauck is threatening me with immediate legal action if I do not give up my rights to the Domain name I will not allow myself to be intimidated by any of these people, I have thus also registered into my name, and

Zitat aus dem Anwaltsschreiben: „So ist z.B. in der Presse und in Gerichtsurteilen durchgängig von der `Gauck-Behörde´ die Rede.“ Wenn davon durchgängig die Rede ist, besteht offensichtlich kein Problem. Ich habe nicht den domainnamen „Gauck-Behö“ reserviert - sondern nur „GAUCK.DE“. ist meines Wissens noch frei, auch sowie, usw. Was hier offensichtlich gewollt ist, ist die Unterbindung jeglicher Beschäftigung mit den Praktiken der BStU. Diese ist heilig sowie der Name Gauck selbst. Was Gauck von mir de facto fordert in einer kleinen Selbstüberschätzung ist die Einhaltung des zweiten der 10 Gebote: „Du sollst den Namen des Herrn, Deines Gottes, nicht unnütz aussprechen; denn der Herr läßt denjenigen nicht ungestraft, der seinen Namen unnütz ausspricht.“ Dabei ist meine Benutzung des Namens durchaus nicht unnütz - die gesamte homepage handelt nur von ihm und seiner Behörde....


Update # 1: 

In the following letter: Erpressungsbrief von Rechtsanwalt Johannes Weberling the lawyer for Joachim Gauck, the head of the "Gauck Officials" the body in charge of the files of the former state security of the former East Germany, demands that I sign a binding legal statement giving up my rights to,, as well as to The document to be signed also contains a clause that I agree that for every act of violating the terms of the to be signed waiver of my rights, I will pay a fine of 10,100 DM to Joachim Gauck, in addition to an already demanded sum from me of 1, 286.15 DM for lawyers fees. 

Below is a copy of the document contained in the letter from Johannes Weberling that I was supposed to have signed in order to sign away my legal rights to my intellectual property. Notice that this letter is addressed June 5, 2000 and notice that I was expected to have had it signed and delivered by June 8, 2000. In view of the time it took to go through the post I was given practically no time at all to consult a lawyer on behalf of my rights, yet under threat of immediate legal charges, I am expected to sign away my legal rights to my intellectuals property and pay the immediate legal fees of the lawyers client, Joachim Gauck. This is clearly an act of intimidation and even extortion (Erpressung in German), since the threat includes not only the demand to give up my property rights, but the demand of immediate payment of 1,268.15 DM, or else legal charges will be leveled against me. Gauck is a surname like my last name Jost. And I clearly do not have any automatic rights to the Domain name, or to, or to, or to And as a public figure leading a very controversial organization Mr. Gauck and his organization have even less rights against being publicly criticized than a non-public person. It seems to me their methods are themselves Stasi, or even much, much worse National Socialist in nature!

It should be noted that more people have committed suicide after being humiliated, disgraced and denied job opportunities, due to the defaming tactics (often with little or no concrete incriminating evidence) from the "Gauck Officials", than were ever killed trying to leave East Germany along the Berlin Wall. The mere insinuation of ever having had anything to do, whatsoever, with the former secret services of East Germany is enough to ruin a person's personal and professional life - all transgressions done by the secret services from the western side are of course kept under lock and key. 


Update # 2: 

Here (in the document below) I am being ordered by a court in Berlin under penalty of up to 500,000.00 DM or imprisonment, to cease appearing in the internet under the domains:,, or I will not honor this court order, and state here, that I rather spend the rest of my life behind bars in a German prison than give up what I learned as a child growing up in the United States as my First Amendment Rights to free speech, - or my right to due process! "No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ..." - 5th Amendment.

click here for the rest of the court order

Part 1
Opening page of "" critique of the BStU    
Part 2
My legal troubles with the
the Gauck Officials...    
Part 3
... more on my legal troubles with
the Gauck Officials 
Part 4
Some pictures of what East
Germany was not 

A letter I sent around the world